Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What is Love? - Original Song

(verse 1)
Love’s a precious thing
Why do we take it so lightly?
We say those simple words
But do we know what we’re saying?

(verse 2)
Love’s a gift
So why do we make it a burden?
So often we show love
But are we really?

--- Instrumental ---

(verse 3)
Love is patient
Why aren’t we?
So many times we won’t wait
Why don’t we?

(verse 4)
Love is all we need
So why do we feel empty?
We turn to other things
But don’t we know better?

He felt and He hurt and He bled and He died
On that cross two thousand years ago
Cause you heard our cry
Lord come save

And He felt and He hurt and He bled and He died
For all now ‘cause He loves us so
You hear our cry
Lord come change

Lord come save
For the glory of your name
Lord come change
By the power of your love
Lord come heal
By the mercy of your grace
Lord come love
Lord come love