Friday, November 27, 2009

Those little words

"je t'aime"
"ich liebe dich"
"ti amo"
"te quiero"
"I Love You"

3 very small words, all of which are used individually in daily conversation by most people one this whatever language they speak

Isn't is any given point in time, literally thousands of people across the globe are saying this?

And yet, we (read: Americans) are so idiotic and foolhardy that we don't mean what we say

Well, we (self-proclaimed Christians) hardly ever mean what we say, so why should this be any different?

Let's break down the one of the biggest phrases ever uttered shall we?

'I'. Literally meaning 'me, the person speaking'...but not just me, everything within me. Everything that defines me. Everything that my life has been and is. Everything I am is 'I'.

'You'. Literally meaning the person being spoken to'...but also not just that person, but everything that person is. 'You' is defined as all that makes the other person themself,everything known about that person. That's 'You'

'love'. Literally meaning "strong affection, attachment, and admiration" (from like that definition, especially the alliteration

However we, as Christians know...or rather, we ought to know and acknowledge that 'Love' is quite simply defined as 'God'.

1 John 4:8 tells us that "God is Love"...

So often I think we replace 'Love' with 'love'....especially when we say 'I love (love) you'

Because for Me (I) to say 'I Love You', and for Me to not be lying, or simply over exaggerating I must truly mean 'I, God, and You'

Because romantic relationships will not work out as intended without God in the middle of it, defining it, refining it, and keeping it alive.

Because, if there is no 'God' there is no 'Love'...and then it's just 'Me' and 'You'...with absolutely nothing going on

Friday, June 26, 2009

Irresistable Revolution pt 1

I apologize for not posting in a just kinda got in the way

I have been reading a book called "Irresistible Revolution" by Shane Claiborne and it has TOTALLY rocked my world.

I will caution those who would rush out and get it to read...that this book is NOT for everyone. I would even go so far as to say that if you're not 'on fire' or want to be 'on fire' for the Lord then this book is not what you should be reading.

If you're not confidant in your faith, or are wavering in you personal beliefs...well...I suggest reading 'The Bible' comes highly recommended :)

I intend to do a series of posts about my insights into this wonderful little book.

So here's the first one on the introduction (yes, there's good stuff in the introduction)

The very first sentence of the book says "Christianity often has offered little to the world, other than the hope that things will be better in heaven"

I had to take a minute right there...and I realize how true it is. Today's 'church' has decided to ignore the suffering of today and simply inform the sufferers that 'heaven will be better'. Sad isn't it?

"Perhaps it should not surprise us that Jesus says that if the Christians remain silent, then the rocks will cry out...or the rock stars"

This quote comes after the scathing comparison of activism against poverty and other so-called 'worldly' issues that affect millions of people daily. The comparison is simple: 'worldly' figures (celebrities, politicians, rock stars, pop icons, etc) are working against these 'moral issues' while Christian 'stars' (recording artists, pastors, evangelists, etc) do nearly nothing to change the world's 'status quo'...We as Christians have become so wrapped up in 'saving souls' (which in and of itself is NEVER a bad thing, we are called to save souls after all) but do not love these same people who are not only in need of a Savior, but also are in need of basic necessities in order to live their lives.

"there ARE moral issues other than abortion and homosexuality"


No, really?

There are?

Yup, there are. War, politics, economy, poverty, global warming, (ok, that one's a stretch)and anything else you can think of. 'Moral issue' simply means "Issues which involve a difference of belief and not a matter of preference."

"activists call me conservative, religious people call me liberal. Often though I am simply labeled a 'radical."

Oh how sweet this is. And you know what, I'm gonna take this another step. If we are truly Christians (read, Christ followers) then how can we allow ourselves to be put into one of the world's labels? I honestly couldn't care less if you're a republican, democrat, conservative, or liberal. All I care about is whether or not your lifestyle and morals reflect those of Christ Jesus and those presented in the Bible. An you know what else? I really don't think that when you die God's gonna ask you which political party you belonged to.

"the word 'radical' really just means 'root'. And radical is not limited to 'saints' and 'martyrs'."

Can I get an amen?

Aren't we glad that you don't have to be 'declared holy' (that's what being 'sainted' is defined as) in order to be radical?

"As a radical I want to get to the 'root' of what it means to love and the root of what has messed up our world"

oh this just keeps getting better...Read that again....

Not only should we be getting to the root of showing love and understanding love, but the problems of this world can not be fixed quickly, we must understand the root of the problem in order for the problem to be fully eradicated.

"What do we do when we are the ones who have gone sane in a crazy world?"

I have nothing to say to that, simply because I do not know if I can truly claim that yet. To have gone 'sane' in the craziness means, to me, that we have come to the point in our relationship with, not only God our Father, but with those we are called and commissioned to love (neighbors AND enemies)

"The whisper cries out for God to save the church from us Christians and breathe new life into an aging body"

What I want to point our here is the word 'whisper'. There is the story in the Bible in which Elijah hears the voice of God. But that voice is not the powerful wind, ground shattering earthquake, or raging fire. The voice was a whisper, small and only audible and recognized by those who are listening for it.

Is it true? Does the church need saving from Christians? I say yes, simply because we have forgotten what it means to be a Christian.

You don't have to agree with me. But if you don't, well, I challenge you to listen to 'the' Paul Washer sermon...

"Many of us are refusing to allow distorted views of faith to define us"

Oh how I long to be counted among those many. To get to the point where this world doesn't recognize me as a 'Christian' but as a 'Christ-follower'. The world view of what a Christian is and how a Christian is supposed to act is largely inconsistent with the Biblical pattern that is presented, but largely consistent with the life the majority of 'Christians' currently live.

"We live in a world that wants things bigger and bigger. We want to 'supersize' our fries, sodas, and church buildings"

Ouch....that hits hard right there

We are more interested in how large our church is (whether that be building size or the number of people) and the things that truly matter are overlooked simply because they aren't 'big' things.

"Even though people around the country thirst for something new, the elephant and the donkey are still the largest and most stubborn of animals"

How true is that? As I've already said, this world put labels on things. And if you don't fit in the labels, you better have a REALLY good reason for people to listen. I question whether the church's view of 'witnessing' is enough for people to actually listen.

"Our problem is that we no longer have martyrs, we have celebrities"

Ow, ow, ow....yet, it's true. Christian martyrs have gone out of style. We now have pastors that are larger than life and evangelists who are blown to gigantic proportions. It's just no longer 'cool' to be a Christian and for the world to attack you for it.

That is only a small part of what I gleaned from the introduction....I will continue to give you my thoughts as I travel through this book.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ready - Are you?

When I think of the word 'ready' I am immediately reminded of the old Royal Rangers motto "Ready for anything".

But are we truly ready for anything? To be truly ready for anything life throws our way?

I'm the first person to say I'm never truly in a constant state of readiness. I was not ready for the disappointment at fine arts. Nor am I always ready for what God would have for me to do. But the key to overcoming shock, disappointment, and whatever else might come our way is to simple be totally and utterly dependent on God.

But utter dependence is not something easily achieved, but it is something that can be constantly improved

ready - Are you?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are you a Christian or an American Christian?

That is the infamous Paul Washer sermon, that I FINALLY listened to.

The scary thing is, its dead on.

I think my views have been changed, but I can now feel that smoldering fire in my soul heating up...

The sermon is about an hour long...only listen to it if you can actually take an hour and really listen to it...if it challenges you to do something about the sorry state of this world, do something.

If it doesn't, well, that's a good sign that you need to evaluate your faith.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Are you a control freak? Do you have to know every little detail about something, just because?

While being a control freak may be a bad thing, there is something that you should know all the little details of and have complete control of: your body.

Your tongue for example is extremely dangerous simply because words can tear things down in an instance, not mater how long they've been standing.

You CAN control what comes out of your mouth...but do you choose to control it?

But I don't mean just physical, tangible parts of you, emotions are also in need of control.

Anger, sadnesss, opinions, ideas, and many others all have their place, but it's up to use to use your brain and common sense to determine when these should be let loose.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

new year new changes

Change is good.

Believe it or not, it's also needed.

To get stuck in a routine of the way it 'used to be' or 'because it works' or 'because its always been this way' is a dangerous viewpoint.

If you're not open to change, how can you draw closer to God? If you're not open to change how can God use you? Wouldn't you actually be limiting God if you never allow Him to do anything different than the norm through you?

Its only 7 days into the new year, and I'm already feeling and seeing changes. The XLR8 worship for instance, will be traveling and leading worship with P. Cornell. I'm going to be playing the synthesizer in addition to keys, which isn't something I have a lot of experience in, but I'm willing to learn.

Brendan and I have have scrapped out FAF short film in favor of a new topic, which if we can pull it off should be AMAZING.

I challenge you, make a resolution for this new year to simply be open to change